Modern production of table eggs and poultry meat is based on balancing diets for various poultry crosses. The company Koudijs MKorma provides technology consulting for customers producing table eggs and poultry meat.
Development of individual feeding programs for each customer.
Consulting services on feeding and management issues.
Consulting services on the microclimate management.
Consulting services on improving production technologies.
When we make calculation of recipes we take into account the cross, the raw materials base, the technology of feeding and management used by customer.
Optimization of all essential nutrients of diet taking into account modern approaches to feeding using the Best Mix optimizing program.
Production of premixes on equipment that allows to provide homogeneous distribution of vitamins, amino acids, salt, soda, coccidiostatics, enzymes, antibiotics, prebiotics, probiotics and other components that take less than 0.5% of the total feed composition.
Significant reduction of the feeding and final products costs.
Cнижение влияния
человеческого фактора
Reducing the impact of the human factor and manual labor costs at the poultry enterprise.
технологического брака
Reducing the technological damage of table eggs to 4-5% due to the high strength of the shell, a significant reduction of dirty eggs number. Improving the taste qualities of eggs.
зоотехнических показателей
Improvement of performance results: feed conversion, body weight gain, livability, immune status of the pullets and egg quality.