The company can offer to its partners a wide range of high quality products, such as: Line of feed additives under the brand CiaO!: vitamins, amino acids, coccidiostatics, antibacterial agents and enzymes.
Monimax is a combination of monensin, a polyester antibiotic belonging to the group of ionophores, and nicarbazine, a synthetic anticoccidial drug, which is a complex of components 4,4'-dinitrodiphenylurea (DNC) and 2-hydro-4,6 dimethylpyrimidine (HDP), which inhibits energy metabolism in the body of the parasite. Monensin and nicarbazine, which are part of the drug, have a wide spectrum of coccidiostatic activity, are active against all types of coccidia that parasitize birds, including Eimeria tenella, E. necatrix, E. acervulina, E. brunetti, E. mivati and E. maxima , as well as Eimeria adenoides, Eimeria meleagrimitis and Eimeria gallopavonis. Monimax is used to prevent coccidiosis in broiler chickens, replacement chickens and turkeys up to 16 weeks of age.
The company can offer to its partners a wide range of high quality products, such as: Line of feed additives under the brand CiaO!: vitamins, amino acids, coccidiostatics, antibacterial agents and enzymes.